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Meet Your Executive!

KSU Execs manage the day-to-day operations of the Union and are always happy to help and answer questions.
You can find them in the KSU office during their office hours, so stop by to chat or say hi!

President - Sara MacCallum

Sara MacCallum is the KSU President for 2024-25. The President supervises the general functioning of the Union, including the student businesses, Union committees, Orientation Week and Union employees. They organize training for and support the rest of the Executive and KSU Council, while sitting on the King’s Board of Governors and many King’s committees to represent student interests.

Sara is pursuing a degree in Law, Justice and Society with a minor in English. She believes in the importance of a strong and stable student Union as a way for students to connect with and support each other, and wants to continue to build that community at King’s. When she’s not on campus, Sara is usually watching Blue Jays baseball games and crocheting or exploring local bookstores and cafes.

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 pm - 3pm

External Vice President - Ellie Anderson

Ellie Anderson is the KSU External VP for 2024-25. The EVP maintains relationships with local societies, resources, non-profits, and other student unions. This includes sitting on the provincial executive board of the Canadian Federation of Students NS, which represents student unions across Nova Scotia and the country. On campus, the EVP meets with student workers and sits on University committees like the Investment Committee.

Ellie is going into her fourth year and is majoring in Political Science and minoring in Religious Studies (meaning she can take all the fun occult classes for her degree!) When she's not in the union office, she can be found catching up on schoolwork in the Wardy or Oxford Taproom, cross stitching in the quad, and trying to befriend the ducks in the Public Gardens.

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Communications Vice President - Aniqa Jalal

Aniqa Jalal is the Communications VP for the 2024-25 academic year. Responsible for managing all communications-related matters, the CVP runs KSU social media platforms, publishes KSU governance documents, writes the Union's weekly newsletter, "This Week At King's (TWAK), and chairs several Union committees. As a BIPOC student herself, Aniqa is committed to making the University a welcoming space for other BIPOC students. She is currently working on projects for the Racialized Students' Collective, the resource center for BIPOC King's students.

Aniqa is in her second year, doing combined honors in Neuroscience and the History of Science and Technology and a certificate in Neurotechnology Innovation. In her spare time, she enjoys playing violin in her baroque ensemble, Python programming, doing Bengali classical dance, and is almost always found at Glitter Bean cafe. Aniqa is beyond excited to meet all the incoming King's students at O-Week and beyond. Welcome to King's!

Office Hours: Thursdays and Fridays, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Financial Vice President - Olivia Chaput

The Financial VP is responsible for Union finances, including budgeting, bookkeeping, accounting and financial policy. They chair the Finance Committee and represent students on financial University committees.

Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-4 pm, Thursdays 12- 2 pm

Student Life Vice President - Anna Carsley-Jones

The Student Life VP organizes society training and ratification, sits on Union and University committees, and acts as a signing authority on Union accounts.

Until this vacancy is filled, please email the Services and Campaigns Coordinator at

Office Hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm