All About King’s Societies
Societies are an integral part of campus life here at King’s. Societies at King’s range from program-specific societies, such as the Contemporary Studies Society, the Early Modern Studies Society, and the History of Science and Technology Society, to societies based on a wide range of student interests, like the King’s Theatrical Society and the King’s Jewish Book Club. Each of these societies has been ratified by the KSU and as such is eligible to receive KSU funding. Societies are also required to follow the bylaws of the KSU and are subject to policy decisions made by Council and the Student Life Vice President. A basic outline of current policies can be viewed by downloading the Society Ratification and Guidelines Package.
If none of the current societies quite suit your fancy, you can start your own society. All you need to do is download the society guidelines and ratification package, or pick them up in the KSU office, read it, fill it out, and submit it to the KSU Student Life Vice President.
Provided everything is in order, the Student Life Vice President will recommend your society to be ratified by Council. Note: This process must be followed by ALL societies each year. Even if societies been active from time immemorial, groups failing to follow this process will not be recognized by the KSU as a Society for that academic year.
Once you have been ratified, you’re away to the races. Funding requests may be submitted to the Financial Vice President (FVP), who approves society funding for events, projects, and campaigns. Please submit all funding requests to the FVP at, or reach out anytime for more information about society funding.
If you would like to advertise a society meeting or event in the KSU’s weekly newsletter, TWAK (This Week at King’s), please send your submissions by Saturday noon the weekend before your event to the Student Life Vice President (
Current Societies
We have a plethora of societies at King’s! This list will be updated as societies ratify. If you want more information on a certain society, send an email over to your Student Life VP, Anna, at
For a list of Student societies from last year check out here!
Early Modern Studies Society
History of Science and Technology (HOST) Society
King’s Study Society
Dalhousie/King’s Crafting Society
King’s Jewish Cultural Society
Day Students Society
King’s Theatrical Society
King’s Literary Society
King’s Pride Society
Unconscious Collective Vocal Ensemble
Saint Thomas Aquinas Society
Student’s Against War Society
Medical Humanities Society
Dal/King’s Bike Centre
King’s Food Security Initiative
Tabletop Roleplaying Games Society
Dal Undergraduate Philosophy Society
Sodales (Dalhousie-King’s Debate Society)
Current Levied Societies
We also have a lot of levied societies at King’s! This list will be updated as societies ratify. If you want more information on what services each group offers, send an email over to your Student Life VP, Anna, at at
A society for all those interested in science, technology and society and the interplay between them.
Dalhousie/King’s Bike Society
We are a levied society. The levy is used to maintain the loan fleet and stock the centre for DIY repairs as well as put on workshops and other events. We also hire 1 full time staff person and multiple part time individuals.
Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group
Linking campus to community, and research to action, through social and environmental justice.