
Dates: Sunday, September 1st –  Friday, Saturday, September 7th 2024

Cost: $75 per person until September 1st, $85 for day of registration on September 3rd (please reach out if financial assistance is required)

What You Get: Access to all of our events (in-person and/or online), an Orientation pack full of goodies, and a thorough introduction to the King’s community and its available resources

How To Register: Follow the link to the Google Form. The Google Form includes information on how to pay the registration fee via PayPal.

Still Have Questions? Email us, orientation@ksu.ca

We can’t wait!

Q: When is Orientation Week?
Orientation Week officially starts on Sunday, September 1st, and various events will be scheduled throughout the week up until Friday, September 7th.

Q: Do I sign up for King’s Orientation Week or Dalhousie Orientation Week?
The King’s Students’ Union and the Dalhousie Student Union run completely separate programming throughout the week. If you are a King’s student or will be involved with the King’s community, you should sign up for the King’s Students’ Union Orientation Week (that’s us!).

Q: How the heck do I register for Orientation Week?
All information pertaining to registration for O-Week can be found on the final page of this mailout!! Check it out for details on what is included in O-Week, how to sign up, and the price!

Q: This all sounds exhausting! Won’t I get tired?
The first week of university, though exciting and full of fun, can also be overwhelming for many students. While we try to plan events for all energy levels, all events are totally optional.

Q: Will I have to choose between going to class and participating in Orientation Week events?
Class is important! After all, that’s why you’re at King’s in the first place! O Week is largely organized around the FYP schedule, but for those not in FYP, some events may take place during a class, but we will have enough events planned that everyone should be able to find something that they are interested in which also fits in their schedule.

Click here for more information about O-Week. You can also follow us on Instagram @kingsorientation or email us at orientation@ksu.ca.