October 30th Council

Hi everyone! Welcome to this morning’s council meeting.

~10:15: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgment.

~10:16: Adoption of the agenda.

~10:16: Reports of the councillors

10:18: Reports of the executive.

Gibby (President): Mental health forum on November 1st. The Watch’s office is moving. Attended a CFS meeting. Student solidarity rally for CUPE tomorrow!

Kaitlyn (SLVP): Puppy hour in the Manning Room on Friday! Meeting about mask mandates with OHAS. Fall AGM.

Natalia (EVP): CFS AGM meeting. Meetings with South House and Jordan Roberts. Supporting CUPE 3912, organizing the student rally.

Aidan (CVP): TWAK creation and promotion. Event promotion. Organized Fall GM documents. Organized trick or treat with the KSU event for tomorrow.

Kerri (FVP): One funding request brought to Council today.

10:33: Action items.

10:33: BIRT the King’s Pride Society receive $150 in contingent funding for a showing of Rocky Horror on Monday October 31st.

Moved by Gibby.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motivated by Gibby and Kerri; funding is for participation goodie bags and renting a popcorn machine

Motion passes.

10:36: Whereas the King’s Bike Society filled out the society ratification form and completed society training, and

Whereas the King’s Wellness Society filled out the society ratification form and completed society training,

BIRT the King’s Bike Society and the King’s Wellness Society be fully ratified and recognized as societies of the University of King’s College.

Motion passes.

10:37: New business.

Upcoming dates: CUPE 3912 Student Solidarity Rally tomorrow (October 31st) at 12:00pm in the Studley Quad, King’s Mental Health Forum on November 2nd at 3:30pm.

10:41: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Gibby.

Seconded by Tessa.

Motion passes.

Thanks everyone!

Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program

Storwell is Offering a $2,000 Bursary to Help Foster Children Pursue Their Post-Secondary Education

In response to the growing number of foster children and youth in care that struggle to afford post-
secondary studies, Storwell has developed the Storwell Foster Children Bursary program. Along with
providing accessible and affordable self storage units, Storwell is also devoted to helping out the local
community through various charitable causes and social initiatives.

A major issue for youth leaving foster care is the lack of family support. Youth leaving foster care often
have strained connections with family and may struggle to build a strong support network. While many
young people across Canada continue to rely on their parents for housing, financial, and emotional
support well into their 20s, youth leaving foster care are expected to be completely independent at the
age of 18. This means they may not have anyone to fall back on if they miss a bill payment, are
temporarily out of work, or a large expense comes up. This leaves many young people at risk for
unstable housing. Research shows a significant relationship between adult homelessness and a history of
living in foster care. A Raising the Roof study from 2009 with street-involved youth found that 43% of
survey respondents had also been in foster care.

Another hurdle that foster children must overcome in their pursuit of post-secondary education is the
stigma associated with growing up in the foster care system, which stops many students from reaching
out and asking for the assistance that they require. Hopefully, as more initiatives like the Storwell foster
children bursary become available and education about foster care becomes more widespread, this
stigma will begin to dissipate and foster children and youth in care will be able to receive the attention
and support that they deserve.

The aim of the Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program is to provide foster children and youth in care
with resources and opportunities that might be otherwise unavailable to them. With the proper tools,
these students can work towards building a better life for themselves through the pursuit of higher
education. Eligibility requirements and access to the bursary application form can be found at:

October 16th Council

Welcome to council everyone!

10:07: Meeting called to order by Raeesa. Land acknowledgment.

10:08: Adoption of the agenda, with added Finance Committee recommendations for society funding and a society ratification motion.

10:10: Approval of the minutes from previous emergency council.

10:11: Oral reports of the councillors.

Tessa: Attended the BOG meeting, where the Internationalization plan was discussed at length.

Victor: Day Students’ Mixer happened, upcoming meal ticket distribution, movie night and trip to Noggins Farm.

Sara: Attended Finance Committee on Friday.

10:28: Oral reports of the executives.

Gibby (President): Hiring process of an Accessibility Officer has nearly come to an end, the school is in negotiations with a candidate and hoping to have them start on November 1st. Meeting with Isa Wright about starting a mental health forum at King’s. A student brainstorming session about developing mental health supports facilitated by Isa will take place on November 2nd. Fall elections will open on Monday, and KSU exec have started tabling on Wednesdays and Thursday to increase awareness about the union.

Kaitlyn (SLVP): Society training event. Meeting about field trips for first years. Meeting with city councillor Waye Mason about providing student feedback about a proposed bylaw.

Kerri, the FVP, was not present at the meeting. Their report is available in council documents.

Natalia (EVP): Planning around solidarity with the upcoming DAL TA strike. Meeting with a student about their idea for field trips for first years to learn about Halifax. Held a meeting with Jordan about hosting an event about consent in November.

Aidan (CVP): Organizing bylaw review committee, which will meet for the first time tomorrow. Hiring the new CRO. TWAK, general social media stuff, advertising the Fall GM.

10:56: Action Items

10:57: 5.1 BIRT Paige Chaisson, Terra Carter and Neyve Egger be paid for their work as O-Week Coordinators.

Motivated by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Natalia.

10:58: BIRT the UKing’s Lit Society be approved for $298 in accumulated funding.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Tessa.

Motion passes.

11:00: BIRT the TTRPG Society be approved for $70 in contingent funding.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Motion passes.

11:02: A third funding motion which I could not catch for the liveblog; please consult the meeting minutes when released or visit the KSU office if interested.

11:03: BIRT South House, the UKing’s Lit Society, the Unconscious Vocal Collective and the Dal/King’s Debate Society be fully ratified.

Moved by Kaitlyn.

Motion passes.

11:04: New business.

Gibby: Wants to discuss how we will support the upcoming TA strike at Dal.

11:13: Motion to add a BIRT the KSU issue a statement by Wednesday October 19th in support of the strike, including acknowledgment of the adverse effects students may face and resources to help them with this.

Moved by Gibby.

Motion passes.

11:14: Motion to adjourn.

Motion passes.

Thanks everyone!


Emergency Council October 1st 2022

Welcome to Emergency Council, replacing the regular Council that was missed due to Hurricane Fiona.

10:07: Meeting called to order.

10:15: Adoption of the agenda with unanimous consent.

10:16: Approval of minutes from Council on Sept 11, 2022.

10:16: Action Items begin

10:17: 3.1. BIRT Sophie Harriman be elected as Chief Returning Officer for the 2022/2023 year.

Moved by Aidan.

Seconded by Sam.

Motion passes.

10:18: 3.2. BIRT Sam Sharp and Caroline Belbin be elected to the Bylaw Review Committee.

Moved by Aidan.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

10:29: 3.3. BIRT Emily Reid, Aideen Reynolds, Caroline Belbin, and Ben Robinson be elected to the Elections Committee.

Moved by Aidan.

Seconded by Sam.

Motion passes.

10:36: 3.4. BIRT Aideen Reynolds and Tessa Hill be elected to the Galley Board of Directors. 

Moved by Aidan.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

10:41: 3.5. BIRT Lau Maude be elected to the World University Service of Canada Levy Board.

Moved by Aidan.

Seconded by Tessa.

Motion passes.

10:48: 3.6. Whereas the Loaded Ladle has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and 

Whereas the King’s Jewish Cultural Society has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and 

Whereas the CKDU-FM Society has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and

Whereas the Day Students Society has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and 

Whereas the University of King’s College Tabletop Roleplaying Games Society has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and 

Whereas NSPIRG has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and

Whereas the King’s Theatrical Society has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; and

Whereas the King’s Dance Collective has completed the society ratification form and attended society training; therefore

BIRT the Loaded Ladle, the King’s Jewish Cultural Society, the CKDU-FM Society, the Day Students Society, the University of King’s College Tabletop Roleplaying Games Society, NSPIRG, the King’s Theatrical Society and the King’s Dance Collective be fully ratified as societies of the University of King’s College. 

Moved by Kaitlyn MacNeill

Seconded by Aidan.

Motion passes.

10:51: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Sam.

Seconded by Tessa.

Motion passes.

Thank you everyone!