Hi everyone! Welcome to this morning’s council meeting.

~10:15: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgment.

~10:16: Adoption of the agenda.

~10:16: Reports of the councillors

10:18: Reports of the executive.

Gibby (President): Mental health forum on November 1st. The Watch’s office is moving. Attended a CFS meeting. Student solidarity rally for CUPE tomorrow!

Kaitlyn (SLVP): Puppy hour in the Manning Room on Friday! Meeting about mask mandates with OHAS. Fall AGM.

Natalia (EVP): CFS AGM meeting. Meetings with South House and Jordan Roberts. Supporting CUPE 3912, organizing the student rally.

Aidan (CVP): TWAK creation and promotion. Event promotion. Organized Fall GM documents. Organized trick or treat with the KSU event for tomorrow.

Kerri (FVP): One funding request brought to Council today.

10:33: Action items.

10:33: BIRT the King’s Pride Society receive $150 in contingent funding for a showing of Rocky Horror on Monday October 31st.

Moved by Gibby.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motivated by Gibby and Kerri; funding is for participation goodie bags and renting a popcorn machine

Motion passes.

10:36: Whereas the King’s Bike Society filled out the society ratification form and completed society training, and

Whereas the King’s Wellness Society filled out the society ratification form and completed society training,

BIRT the King’s Bike Society and the King’s Wellness Society be fully ratified and recognized as societies of the University of King’s College.

Motion passes.

10:37: New business.

Upcoming dates: CUPE 3912 Student Solidarity Rally tomorrow (October 31st) at 12:00pm in the Studley Quad, King’s Mental Health Forum on November 2nd at 3:30pm.

10:41: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Gibby.

Seconded by Tessa.

Motion passes.

Thanks everyone!

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