King's Students' Union Live Blog Live Blog Council 10 January 2021

Live Blog Council 10 January 2021

Hey everyone! The first council of 2020 should be starting up in a few minutes!

5:02pm: Meeting called to order! Welcome to the first council meeting of 2021!

5:03: Chris is going over some guidelines for council for those who are here for the first time

5:05: Adoption of the agenda by unanimous consent

5:06: Approval of minutes from December 6, 2020

Levi has brought up a typo in the minutes

There are no farther amendments to be made

5:07: Minutes adopted by unanimous consent

5:09: Reports of councillors! Victoria (member-at-large) is up first, nothing much to report but if you’re reading along with the live blogs please note there are some technical difficulties happening and the site is occasionally crashing so this blog may not be consistent!

Emma from the DSS is reporting a successful fall GM that happened the end of last semester!

Kailen (residence rep) is fielding a lot of complaints from the residence students from over the winter break and has a meeting planned with Katie Merwin coming up

Kaitlyn (first year rep) is planning on an activity for first years for the winter break and February and is open to suggestions from first years!

Aideen (BOG rep) is pleased to announce that the response to the president’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion report is now available, this response was completed by both Aideen and Ry, the other Board of Governer’s Rep

Ridge (Science rep) is struggling to connect with the Dal Science Society, and like Kailen is receiving many reports from students of issues that occurred over the winter break

Stephen is meeting with Tim Currey about safety and security for journalists, and also attended the anti-o meeting that many of the councillors attended

Nathan (Arts rep) receiving complaints from students who are being required to keep their video on for courses, as it is enhancing struggles with social anxiety. Nathan is not present at the meeting but if any of you have questions for Nathan or any of the councillors please reach out through their emails on the KSU website

5:21: Executive Reports!

Levi (President): Attended Galley Board of Directors meeting, and the Anti-Oppression workshop that ended councillor training.

Participated in discussions about extending winter break, which did not happen, and the continued offering of pass/ill option and concerns for students in self-isolation

Attended Enrollment management committee meeting

The first diversity hire has been hired effective July 1st

Winter elections for BOG reps and the executive are coming up, reach out to the exec team if you have questions about the positions!

Mason’s (Student Life VP) Report:

Meetings with Tim and Katie about student mental health, resources available to students, students isolating etc.

Drafting an email to send to profs about time-zones, synchronous courses, etc. as a reminder of these issues students may face in the semester

Attended academic committee meeting

Nick (Financial VP):

Maintained the finances (aka paid union staff every two weeks)

Budget advisory committee meeting

Another one is coming up that will continue discussions about the increasing university deficit

Hope (external VP)

attended equity committee meeting

vacant position of the equity officer, now the position has been upgraded from part-time to a full-time position. A list of recommendations has been put forward to the president regarding the concern this position may be amalgamated with the accessibility officer.

Attended investment committee meeting

Levi attended a round table that Hope was unable to attend. This meeting included discussions about the issue of International Students quarantining and the financial issues requiring them to isolate themselves in hotels. There seems to have been confusion over the actual requirements by the federal government.

Isabella (Communications VP):

Also attended the meeting about extended winter break, which didn’t happen

Finalized the KSU blurb that is included in the academic calendar

Has continued to keep the KSU Instagram updated and is prepared to release the first TWAK of the year tomorrow!

5:48: Reports are now concluded. There are no action items at this time.

New Business:

Luke Baumgart is proposing a motion regarding the charge residence students were required to pay when they stayed over the winter break.

Students were unaware they would have to pay extra to eat over the winter break, for a meal plan they were required to have.

Students were first told in mid-November that they would be responsible for their meals over break, then told there would be a meal plan, then even later that it would be mandatory.

The conversation on this topic is continuing while the wording of the motion is being worked out.

We’re discussing the motion to amend the original wording Luke proposed

6:30: The conversation is still continuing, residence students are responding to questions from council on specifics of the problem over the break, issues included inedible meals and meals that were inedible specifically because of allergens. Students also reported small portions of vegetables, not being more than corn or a small salad

7:00: The amendment has been struck down

7:04: The original motion is now on the table again

7:07: Nick moves Hope and his amendment of the original motion

7:11: The amendment passed.

7:17: Motion Passed

7:18: Simon moved to change the bylaws and for council meetings to operate under general meeting bylaws

This motion can not go forward because bylaw changes have to occur at a general meeting

7:29: Ryland is bringing forward the statement they and Aideen wrote in response to the President’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Report.

7:36: Motion to adjourn by David, seconded by Kailen, motion passed