Good morning everyone! Welcome to the last council with the current exec.
10:04: Meeting called to order.
10:05: Agenda adopted and minutes approved from last council.
10:06: Oral reports of the councillors.
10:08: Reports of the executive committee.
10:24: 5.1 BIRT the UCVE receive $795.15 in contingent funding for new music folders.
Moved by Kerri.
Seconded by Aidan.
Motivated by a member of the UCVE.
Motion passes.
10:26: 5.2 Whereas the Halifax Rotaract Club filled out their society ratification form and attended society training;
BIRT the Halifax Rotaract Club be fully ratified and recognized as a Tier I Society of the King’s Students’ Union.
Moved by Kaitlyn.
Seconded by Natalia.
Motivated by Kaitlyn.
Motion passes.
10:27: 5.3 Whereas the HOST Society filled out their society ratification form and attended society training;
BIRT the HOST Society be fully ratified and recognized as a Tier I Society of the King’s Students’ Union.
Moved by Kaitlyn.
Seconded with Natalia.
Motivated by Kaitlyn.
Motion passes.
10:29: 6.1 Exec changeover will be happening on March 15th.
10:29: Meeting adjourned.