King's Students' Union Uncategorized May 6th Emergency Council

May 6th Emergency Council

Welcome to the emergency council meeting!

6:04: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgment.

6:05: BIRT Paige Chaisson, Mason Carter and Neyve Egger be hired as the 2022-2033 Orientation Week Coordinators.

Moved by Victoria.

Motion passes.

6:08: BIRT Ellie Anderson be hired as the scribe for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Moved by Aidan.

Motion passes.

6:09: New business.

Conversation around making a donation in support of relief efforts in Yemen.

6:21: BIRT $100 be donated to a cause to support relief for the war in Yemen.

Moved by Julian.

Seconded by Victoria.

Motion passes.

6:27: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Sam.

Seconded by Victoria.

Motion passes.

Have a great summer everyone!