Council Sept 11

Welcome back to the first council of the year everyone!

10:06: Meeting begins informally with introductions.

10:09: Meeting called to order by Raeesa, the Chair. Land acknowledgment.

10:10: Adoption of the agenda.

Addition of four motions.

Agenda is adopted by unanimous consent.

10:12: Minutes from the Emergency Council on May 6, 2022 approved, with small amendments to attendance.

10:13: Oral reports of the councillors

Sara (Member at Large): Nothing to report, great to be back!

Victor (Day Students Society): Pool table has been sorted out.

Sam and Tessa (Board Of Governors): Tuition increased at last BOG meeting, despite students voting against increases and speaking against them.

10:16: Reports of the Executive Committee.

Gibby (President): Spoke to relationship between students’ mental health and finances at the BOG meeting regarding tuition increases. O-Week will be formally discussed next council, but it went great and they are very grateful for everyone involved. New  Services and Committees Coordinator was hired, and will start this coming week.

Kaitlyn (Student Life Vice President): Meetings with Health Coordinator. Helped out with O-Week. Society training and ratification is upcoming.

Kerri (Financial Vice President): Coordinator Hiring Committee, looking forward to the new Coordinator’s starting. Regular financial business, including transferring money intended for student financial aid to maximize its short-term use. Increased coverage for prescription drugs and mental health care in this year’s student insurance plan.

Natalia (External Vice President): Working with NSPIRG and Victoria to work with international students, created a student toolkit to help them find the services that are for them specifically. Met with previous EVP to learn about on-campus services. Worked on O-Week. Met with CFS about an upcoming event.

Aidan (Communications Vice President): Attending Emergency Council meeting (and acted as temporary scribe), helped with scribe training for the new scribe Ellie. Promoted TWAK during first week, will be sending it out tomorrow. Created and share O-Week posts.

10:28: Action Items.

10:28: 5.1 BIRT Daniel Konopelski resign as first year representative.

Moved by Gibby, who read Daniel’s reasoning as sent virtually.

Motion passes.

10:29: 5.2 BIRT the union write a statement in regards to the impact of the ruling of Roe v. Wade in the USA on June 24th, 2022.

Moved by Gibby.

Seconded by Aidan.

Student motivation read by Victoria. Further motivated by Victoria, due to potential impact on American students and the Canadian healthcare system.

Motion passes.

10:31: 5.3 BIRT the union issue a statement on HRM’s eviction of people living in People’s Park, resulting in the park being fenced off.

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motivated by Kerri.

Motion passes.

10:34: 5.4 BIRT the union make a donation of $100 to an organization that supports unhoused people from the 2021-2022 outreach fund.

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motivated by Kerri.

Motion passes.

10:35: 5.5 BIRT the union make a donation of $100 from the 2021-2022 outreach fund to Abortion Support Services Atlantic.

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Gibby.

Motivated by Kerri.

Motion passes.

10:36: New business.

Election nominations open on September 19, CRO will be hired soon, advertising for the Fall GM will begin soon.

10:38: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Gibby.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

End of council.

Thanks everyone!