March 19 Council Liveblog

Welcome to council!

10:08: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgement.

10:10: Agenda adopted with item 5.3 deferred to next council, and additions to new business.

10:11: Minutes from last council approved.

10:11: Oral reports of the councillors.

10:14: Reports of the executive committee.

10:42: 5.1 BIRT that the King’s Students’ Union publish the attached statement regarding the release of the Final Report of the Independent Review of Accusations of Sexual Assault Against Dr. Wayne Hankey on March 15th.

Moved by Terra Carter.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

10:46: 5.2 BIRT the Union donate $100 from the Community Fund budget line to Gender Affirming Care Nova Scotia. 

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Seconded by Terra.

Motion passes.

10:49: 5.4 BIRT HOSTSoc receive $95 in contingent funding for their Conference, taking place March 25th, 2023. 

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

10:51: 5.5 BIRT the UKing’s Literary Society receive $99.42 in noncontingent funding for their event on the Ides of March. 

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

10:53: 5.6 BIRT the King’s Film Society receive $37.95 in contingent funding for their Oscars Screening event. 

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Seconded by Terra.

Motion passes.

10:54: New business.

10:58: 6.2 BIRT we adopt all past minutes to be amended to change any usage of she/her pronouns to they/them in reference to Terra Carter.

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Terra.

Motion passes.

11:00: BIRT council approve the hiring committees for the positions of Chair, O-Week Coordinator and Scribe.

Moved by Natalia.

Seconded by Kerri.

Motion passes.

11:06: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

Thanks everyone!

March 5th Council Liveblog

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the last council with the current exec.

10:04: Meeting called to order.

10:05: Agenda adopted and minutes approved from last council.

10:06: Oral reports of the councillors.

10:08: Reports of the executive committee.

10:24: 5.1 BIRT the UCVE receive $795.15 in contingent funding for new music folders. 

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Aidan.

Motivated by a member of the UCVE.

Motion passes.

10:26: 5.2 Whereas the Halifax Rotaract Club filled out their society ratification form and attended society training; 

BIRT the Halifax Rotaract Club be fully ratified and recognized as a Tier I Society of the King’s Students’ Union.

Moved by Kaitlyn.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motivated by Kaitlyn.

Motion passes.

10:27: 5.3 Whereas the HOST Society filled out their society ratification form and attended society training; 

BIRT the HOST Society be fully ratified and recognized as a Tier I Society of the King’s Students’ Union. 

Moved by Kaitlyn.

Seconded with Natalia.

Motivated by Kaitlyn.

Motion passes.

10:29: 6.1 Exec changeover will be happening on March 15th.

10:29: Meeting adjourned.