King's Students' Union Uncategorized December 5th Council Live Blog

December 5th Council Live Blog

Hey everyone! Welcome to the last council meeting of the fall semester.

10:10: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgement of Mi’kma’ki.

10:11: Agenda adopted

10:12: Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting

Amendments made to correct spelling errors and note that the scribe for last meeting was different than listed.

10:14 Minutes adopted with amendments.

10:14: Oral reports of councillors.

Victor: Updates to Wardy pool table, getting started with upcoming events.

Daniel: Busy last couple of weeks, last FYP Sunday of the semester. Will be staying on campus over break, thinking about FYP t-shirts. Office hours.

Elli: Set up office hours, making students aware of accommodations available.

Sara: Office hours, learned how to live blog, finance committee.

10:19: Concludes the councillor reports.

10:20: Reports of the executive (full reports available on Facebook).

Nick’s report (President): General presidential duties, lots of work on upcoming accessibility measures, tuition committee. Campus workers social on Wednesday. Conversations about residence issues have been had and measures are being taken. Council will reconvene again in January!

Aideen: When will student consultation about finance/tuition take place?

Nick: February.

Kaitlyn’s SLVP report: Office hours, regular meetings. Meeting with Occupational Health and Safety Committee about Dal’s COVID procedures next semester. Final decision likely to come tomorrow.

Victoria’s Financial VP report: General finance upkeep, finance committee. Attended Wardy care space. Contacted societies about Snow Week, attended budget advisory committee.

Aideen’s External VP report: Attended Wardy care space, continuing use of active listener buttons. Meeting with Isa about gaps in mental health care. Meeting with Trans Students Support Coordinator Hiring Committee, reopening nominations for position, hiring deferred to January. Non-academic Accessibility Advisory Committee, suggestion to use Mi’kmaq on signage. Investment Committee.

Daniel: Suggests exploration of the possibility of virtual peer support office hours. Suggestion to perhaps also use French on signage.

Sam’s Communications VP report: Remind people to send things for TWAK! Meeting with Vice President and Dean of Students to discuss student support and FYP/Dal Faculty of Arts and Science accessibility and long-term support for students in response to recent events. Attended Wardy care space. Upcoming events: Memorial tomorrow, Home for the Holidays Workshop on Thursday.

Daniel: Has seen support in place for students in FYP.

10:37: Concludes the reports of the executive committee.

10:37: BIRT the Council establish a committee to contact a worker’s union for the purpose of unionizing the residing Dons of the University of King’s College.

Moved by Luke Baumgart.

Seconded by Daniel.

Luke motivates the motion with information about the issues concerning the Dons’ current situation.

Nick and Aideen motivate concerning the KSU’s place in this issue, changes taking place otherwise and current Dons’ feedback.

Nick moves to table the motion until the second meeting of the New Year.

Seconded by Victor.

Motion to table passes.

Daniel: Will report on residence conditions over winter break.


5.2 BIRT Mason Carter be temporarily appointed to the Occupational Health and Safety committee, until such time as nominations can be opened and an election take place at the subsequent council.

Moved by Nick Harris.

Seconded by Victoria.

Motivated by Nick.

11:00: Vote on motion, motion passes.

11:01: Next motion introduced by Nick due to Chair conflict of interest.

5.3 BIRT Emma Oliver be paid $850 for their role as Chair.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Aideen.

Motivated by Victoria and Nick.

11:02: Vote on motion, motion passes.


5.4 BIRT Raessa Alibhai be paid $400 for their role as scribe.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Nick.

Motivated by Victoria.

11:04: Vote on motion, motion passes.


BIRT the King’s Literary Society receive $75.69 in non-contingent funding to cover costs of food and drinks for their event in the lodge, “Frivols”.

Recommended by Finance Committee, moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Sam.

Motivated by Victoria.

11:06: Vote on motion, motion passes.


BIRT the King’s Foraging Society receive $24.00 in contingent funding to pay an experienced foraging and nature walk expert for their nature walk event.

Recommended by Finance Committee, moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Daniel.

Motivated by Victoria.

11:09: Vote on motion, motion passes.

11:09: New Business


Victoria Gibbs brings forward a motion to pay the King’s Food Security Initiative $50.00 to stock their food box over exam season.

Seconded by Nick.

11:12: Vote on motion, motion passes.

11:12: Nick highlights upcoming resource-sharing event on campus put together by Raessa.


BIRT that the union make inquiries into residence council’s operation.

Moved by Luke Baumgart.

Seconded by Aideen.

Daniel explains that residence council is student-run and there has been a lack of initiative and ability from students to make residence council happen.

Victoria proposes to hold a general meeting of residence council in January to get student feedback and involvement.

11:19: Luke retracts the motion.

11:19: Daniel asks about FYP t-shirts; Nick says they will return to this in the new year.

11:20: Meeting adjourned.