King's Students' Union Uncategorized January 9th 2022 Council Live Blog

January 9th 2022 Council Live Blog

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the first council meeting of 2022/the winter term. Council is on Zoom today.

10:06: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgements by Emma Oliver and Aideen.

10:09: Agenda adopted. Meeting minutes from last council on December 5th approved.

10:10: Oral reports of the councillors.

Daniel: Helping to seek information and support from professors regarding online FYP, creation of a report about on-campus happenings during the break.

Question from Aideen: Can Daniel and Kaitlyn set up a meeting to discuss action items from Daniel’s report?

Daniel: Agrees.

Julian: Nothing to report. Plans to meet with the new assistant Dean of residence soon.

Emy: Nothing to report. Plans to be more vocal about availability to provide support for Arts students in future.

Sara: Nothing to report.

Victor: Pool stuff should be refurbished by the time King’s returns in-person.

10:16: Reports of the executive (full reports on Facebook).

Nick’s report (President): Acted as the contact person for urgent matters over the break. Involved in the hiring process of the new Assistant Dean, and the evolution of the role to include two positions in the future. Hot chocolate social for campus workers happened right before the break. Committee work.

Kaitlyn’s report (SLVP): Virtual office hours. Meetings with OH&S concerning evolving COVID-19 regulations. Planning to put together a team to participate in a fundraiser for the Halifax Humanities Society coming up at the end of January.

Victoria’s repost (FVP): Budget advisory committee meeting – discussions about tuition and fees for next year, particularly regarding the international student differential.

Nick: Notes some ideas and anticipated decisions from the other budget committee.

Victoria: Has mentioned student concerns about unequal fees for different rooms. Asks Julian to speak more on these concerns to residence staff if he has anything to add.

Aideen’s report (EVP): Nominations for Executive Committee and Board of Governors open soon. Otherwise, nothing to report.

Daniel: Is this for KSU council?

Aideen: Yes. Executive roles and BOG reps are elected second semester, while most council reps are elected first semester.

Sam’s report (CVP): Some Instagram stories were posted over the break, TWAK will go out tomorrow. Creations and posting of graphics about COVID information. Upcoming workshops hosted by SVPRO Jordan Roberts.

10:31: Nick explains that councillor training will happen in the next couple of weeks.

10:32: Increasing supports in residence may cause a 1-2% increase in residence fees.

Aideen, Victoria and Julian speak to concerns about this possibility and the current situation with online learning.

10:38: Concerns about online learning continue to be discussed.

Victoria: Asks students taking King’s courses to provide feedback regarding online learning.

10:42: Nick says that Dalhousie Faculty Association is advocating for courses to be online all winter term. King’s decision could differ from Dal’s.

10:44: Daniel speaks about the current FYP and residence situation.

Victoria: What will happen for people who choose not to return to residence and cannot come back for their stuff?

Aideen: Suggests that the union could help.

10:48: Continuation of discussions about factors related to the current situation with evolving COVID regulations.

10:59: Nick motions to adjourn. Seconded by Aideen.

11:00: Meeting adjourned.