January 23rd Council Live Blog

Good morning everyone! Welcome to today’s council meeting.

10:04: Meeting called to order, land acknowledgment.

10:09: Agenda adopted.

10:10: Meeting minutes from last meeting adopted (with minor corrections).

10:10: Oral reports of the councillors.

Victor: Working on refurbishing pool tables, hoping to plan a Valentine’s event, planning increased DSS visibility this semester.

Sara: Nothing to report. Looking forward to getting back to campus next week!

Tessa: Participating in Academic Accessibility Working group, otherwise nothing to report.

Daniel: Meeting with residence staff on January 17th to discuss concerns. Informal ukings2026 Instagram account has been established for incoming students.

Julian: Nothing to report. Suggests that therapy should be more accessible to students at King’s.

Victoria: Notes Dal’s same-day counselling services.

Nick: KSU health plan does cover therapy/social workers. Wait times at Dal are high.

Aideen: Mental health supports at King’s are lacking. Dal Health can be difficult to access and there is a lack of therapists in Halifax generally. Isa Wright (or Jordan or Rhema) can be resources to help find care.

10:24: Oral reports of the executive.

Nick’s report (President): Student businesses (Wardy and Galley) will likely reopen about two weeks into February due to logistics of COVID policies.

Residence issues have been brought forward. Assistant Dean of Residence position has had a lot of turnover, making the problem worse. Restructuring is happening, to make two positions (one for student support and one for programming/functional organization). Don positions will be structured differently, a different group will do patrol work.

COVID policies: required 3-ply masks and boosters now available. Permanent pass/fail option for courses will be implemented. Working on further built-in supports for students to not be academically left behind when they get sick.

International student tuition committee is hoping to have lower international student fees than Dalhousie. Hoping to hire someone to help international students specifically.

Aideen: Offers to create a survey to get an idea of student’s comfort level being on campus.

Nick: Most classes are not returning to in-person yet because the decision has been shifted to individual faculties.

Daniel: FYP will be returning in-person, though tutorials are online or in-person.

Nick: Lectures are probably going to be posted as well.

Sara: That has not been well-communicated.

Nick: I will ask.

Julian: The option to stay online should stay open to students.

Nick: No decision can make everyone happy, but they should keep both options available for students.

Victoria: Profs don’t necessarily know how to facilitate a hybrid model and don’t have support to do so.

Daniel: Looking forward to residence changes, as it sounds like a positive impact will be made.

Kaitlyn’s report (SLVP): Executive meetings, office hours, meeting with residence staff on January 17th with Danial, advertising CKDU survey.

Victoria’s report (FVP): Budget Advisory Committee meetings, specifically regarding residence for next year; lots in discussion but no decisions made as of yet.

Daniel: Suggests video tours of all types of rooms to give incoming students a better idea of their accommodations.

Victoria: That conversation is being had, many people have brought up similar concerns.

Aideen’s report (EVP): Meeting with Julian about the Residence Representative role. Meeting with Non-Academic Accessibility working group. Nominations for the Executive Committee and Board of Governors open January 28th.

Sam’s report (CVP): TWAK last week, will go out again tomorrow. Preparing to advertise TWAK in-person upon return to campus.

10:55: Reports finished.

10:56: Discussion of ratification of the King’s Wellness Society.

11:00: BIRT the King’s Wellness Society be ratified

Put forward by Kaitlyn.



11:01: Motion to adjourn

Put forward by Nick.

Seconded by Victoria.

Meeting ends. Thanks everyone!

January 9th 2022 Council Live Blog

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the first council meeting of 2022/the winter term. Council is on Zoom today.

10:06: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgements by Emma Oliver and Aideen.

10:09: Agenda adopted. Meeting minutes from last council on December 5th approved.

10:10: Oral reports of the councillors.

Daniel: Helping to seek information and support from professors regarding online FYP, creation of a report about on-campus happenings during the break.

Question from Aideen: Can Daniel and Kaitlyn set up a meeting to discuss action items from Daniel’s report?

Daniel: Agrees.

Julian: Nothing to report. Plans to meet with the new assistant Dean of residence soon.

Emy: Nothing to report. Plans to be more vocal about availability to provide support for Arts students in future.

Sara: Nothing to report.

Victor: Pool stuff should be refurbished by the time King’s returns in-person.

10:16: Reports of the executive (full reports on Facebook).

Nick’s report (President): Acted as the contact person for urgent matters over the break. Involved in the hiring process of the new Assistant Dean, and the evolution of the role to include two positions in the future. Hot chocolate social for campus workers happened right before the break. Committee work.

Kaitlyn’s report (SLVP): Virtual office hours. Meetings with OH&S concerning evolving COVID-19 regulations. Planning to put together a team to participate in a fundraiser for the Halifax Humanities Society coming up at the end of January.

Victoria’s repost (FVP): Budget advisory committee meeting – discussions about tuition and fees for next year, particularly regarding the international student differential.

Nick: Notes some ideas and anticipated decisions from the other budget committee.

Victoria: Has mentioned student concerns about unequal fees for different rooms. Asks Julian to speak more on these concerns to residence staff if he has anything to add.

Aideen’s report (EVP): Nominations for Executive Committee and Board of Governors open soon. Otherwise, nothing to report.

Daniel: Is this for KSU council?

Aideen: Yes. Executive roles and BOG reps are elected second semester, while most council reps are elected first semester.

Sam’s report (CVP): Some Instagram stories were posted over the break, TWAK will go out tomorrow. Creations and posting of graphics about COVID information. Upcoming workshops hosted by SVPRO Jordan Roberts.

10:31: Nick explains that councillor training will happen in the next couple of weeks.

10:32: Increasing supports in residence may cause a 1-2% increase in residence fees.

Aideen, Victoria and Julian speak to concerns about this possibility and the current situation with online learning.

10:38: Concerns about online learning continue to be discussed.

Victoria: Asks students taking King’s courses to provide feedback regarding online learning.

10:42: Nick says that Dalhousie Faculty Association is advocating for courses to be online all winter term. King’s decision could differ from Dal’s.

10:44: Daniel speaks about the current FYP and residence situation.

Victoria: What will happen for people who choose not to return to residence and cannot come back for their stuff?

Aideen: Suggests that the union could help.

10:48: Continuation of discussions about factors related to the current situation with evolving COVID regulations.

10:59: Nick motions to adjourn. Seconded by Aideen.

11:00: Meeting adjourned.

December 5th Council Live Blog

Hey everyone! Welcome to the last council meeting of the fall semester.

10:10: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgement of Mi’kma’ki.

10:11: Agenda adopted

10:12: Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting

Amendments made to correct spelling errors and note that the scribe for last meeting was different than listed.

10:14 Minutes adopted with amendments.

10:14: Oral reports of councillors.

Victor: Updates to Wardy pool table, getting started with upcoming events.

Daniel: Busy last couple of weeks, last FYP Sunday of the semester. Will be staying on campus over break, thinking about FYP t-shirts. Office hours.

Elli: Set up office hours, making students aware of accommodations available.

Sara: Office hours, learned how to live blog, finance committee.

10:19: Concludes the councillor reports.

10:20: Reports of the executive (full reports available on Facebook).

Nick’s report (President): General presidential duties, lots of work on upcoming accessibility measures, tuition committee. Campus workers social on Wednesday. Conversations about residence issues have been had and measures are being taken. Council will reconvene again in January!

Aideen: When will student consultation about finance/tuition take place?

Nick: February.

Kaitlyn’s SLVP report: Office hours, regular meetings. Meeting with Occupational Health and Safety Committee about Dal’s COVID procedures next semester. Final decision likely to come tomorrow.

Victoria’s Financial VP report: General finance upkeep, finance committee. Attended Wardy care space. Contacted societies about Snow Week, attended budget advisory committee.

Aideen’s External VP report: Attended Wardy care space, continuing use of active listener buttons. Meeting with Isa about gaps in mental health care. Meeting with Trans Students Support Coordinator Hiring Committee, reopening nominations for position, hiring deferred to January. Non-academic Accessibility Advisory Committee, suggestion to use Mi’kmaq on signage. Investment Committee.

Daniel: Suggests exploration of the possibility of virtual peer support office hours. Suggestion to perhaps also use French on signage.

Sam’s Communications VP report: Remind people to send things for TWAK! Meeting with Vice President and Dean of Students to discuss student support and FYP/Dal Faculty of Arts and Science accessibility and long-term support for students in response to recent events. Attended Wardy care space. Upcoming events: Memorial tomorrow, Home for the Holidays Workshop on Thursday.

Daniel: Has seen support in place for students in FYP.

10:37: Concludes the reports of the executive committee.

10:37: BIRT the Council establish a committee to contact a worker’s union for the purpose of unionizing the residing Dons of the University of King’s College.

Moved by Luke Baumgart.

Seconded by Daniel.

Luke motivates the motion with information about the issues concerning the Dons’ current situation.

Nick and Aideen motivate concerning the KSU’s place in this issue, changes taking place otherwise and current Dons’ feedback.

Nick moves to table the motion until the second meeting of the New Year.

Seconded by Victor.

Motion to table passes.

Daniel: Will report on residence conditions over winter break.


5.2 BIRT Mason Carter be temporarily appointed to the Occupational Health and Safety committee, until such time as nominations can be opened and an election take place at the subsequent council.

Moved by Nick Harris.

Seconded by Victoria.

Motivated by Nick.

11:00: Vote on motion, motion passes.

11:01: Next motion introduced by Nick due to Chair conflict of interest.

5.3 BIRT Emma Oliver be paid $850 for their role as Chair.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Aideen.

Motivated by Victoria and Nick.

11:02: Vote on motion, motion passes.


5.4 BIRT Raessa Alibhai be paid $400 for their role as scribe.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Nick.

Motivated by Victoria.

11:04: Vote on motion, motion passes.


BIRT the King’s Literary Society receive $75.69 in non-contingent funding to cover costs of food and drinks for their event in the lodge, “Frivols”.

Recommended by Finance Committee, moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Sam.

Motivated by Victoria.

11:06: Vote on motion, motion passes.


BIRT the King’s Foraging Society receive $24.00 in contingent funding to pay an experienced foraging and nature walk expert for their nature walk event.

Recommended by Finance Committee, moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Seconded by Daniel.

Motivated by Victoria.

11:09: Vote on motion, motion passes.

11:09: New Business


Victoria Gibbs brings forward a motion to pay the King’s Food Security Initiative $50.00 to stock their food box over exam season.

Seconded by Nick.

11:12: Vote on motion, motion passes.

11:12: Nick highlights upcoming resource-sharing event on campus put together by Raessa.


BIRT that the union make inquiries into residence council’s operation.

Moved by Luke Baumgart.

Seconded by Aideen.

Daniel explains that residence council is student-run and there has been a lack of initiative and ability from students to make residence council happen.

Victoria proposes to hold a general meeting of residence council in January to get student feedback and involvement.

11:19: Luke retracts the motion.

11:19: Daniel asks about FYP t-shirts; Nick says they will return to this in the new year.

11:20: Meeting adjourned.

Live Blog Council March 14th

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the live blogs for today’s council! This will be the last council with the current exec as the changeover for 2021/2022 is tomorrow!

5:03: Meeting called to order. Chris presents the land acknowledgement for those currently residing in the HRM. Isabella presents the land acknowledgment for the territory of the Cosalish people, in BC.

5:05: Agenda adopted

5:05: Minutes from the last meeting approved

5:07: Oral reports of the councillors

Victoria: Attended BAC and FAR committee meetings, met with Jackie about the incoming FVP position. Attended fight the fees meeting, university fee consult and hosted the virtual escape room event with Mason.

Ry and Aideen: Lots of work on fight the fees, reoccurring meetings on Tuesday at 7. Aideen attending the university fee consult, prepping for the changeover. Ryland also attended fight the fees and says thank you to the outgoing exec!

Kaitlyn: Changeover meetings, attended OH&S meeting with Mason. the EDI and university fee consult.

Nathan: Attended the fee consult after consulting with as many students as possible beforehand. Nathan wanted to focus heavily on the change in the quality of education students have expressed this year. Currently trying to set dates for March meeting with society presidents.

Ridge: Reporting on behalf of himself and Kailen. Ridge has been involved with the resident council. Kailen’s main focus has been with the residence council and is continuing work with that.

Emma: Attended committee meetings, has continued acting as a day student representative in several capacities. Had to make the decision to extend candidate deadlines for the Day Student Society executive elections until next week. Emma says reach out if you’re interested! You can email her or reach out through the DSS socials.

David asks why a DSS rep sits at a residence committee. Emma responds that the idea is for the DSS rep to bring experience, collaborate, and sort of act as a “don” for day students.

Stephen: Stephen has had correspondence with the Director and Associate Director of the J-School with concerns from himself and another student re: a workshop 4th years are enrolled in, without a proper syllabus, class recordings on youtube, no clear guidelines for a final project, and concerns around a 10% grade for “professionalism”, Had good conversations with them and saw immediate action taken.

5:19: Concludes the councillor reports. This will be the final report of the current exec, and Chris wants to recognize their work amidst an unprecedented year.

5:20: Reports of the executive: these should be available along with the minutes from this council once they are approved at the next meeting.

5:51: Concludes reports of the executive committee.

Action Items:

5.1. BIRT the CRO be paid $425 for their work in the fall term.
Moved by Isabella MacKay

Seconded by Aideen

Isabella and Nick motivate by the motion.

Isabella moved to amend the motion to read “winter term” not “fall term”

Motion to amend passed

Amended motion 5.1 has passed


5.2. BIRT ___________, ___________, and __________, be elected to the Orientation Week
Coordinator Hiring Committee .
Moved by Isabella MacKay

Seconded by Nick

There are five nominations to fill these blanks.

Motivations are taking place.

A vote has determined that the blanks should be filled with: Hannah Perry, Michael Greenlaw, Neyve Egger

6:08: Vote on Motion. Motion passed.


5.3. BIRT ___________, ___________, and __________, be elected to the Chair hiring Committee.
Moved by Isabella MacKay

There are three nominations.

Motivations are now taking place

Seeing as there are only three nominations, we are moving to fill the blanks with Nathan Ferguson, Adriana Vanos, and Emma Oliver.

Motion passed


5.4. BIRT ___________, ___________, and __________, be elected to the Chief Returning Officer
Hiring Committee .
Moved by Isabella MacKay

Seconded by Stephen

There are three nominations


6:23: Vote to fill the blanks with Levi Clarkson, Emily Reid and Lara Van de Venter

Motion passed.


5.5. BIRT ___________, ___________, and __________, be elected to the Scribe Hiring Committee
Moved by Isabella MacKay

There are three nominations


6:27: Vote to fill the blanks with Emma Oliver, Patsy Ginou, and Brooklyn Craig

Motion Passed


5.6. BIRT ___________, ___________, and __________, be elected to the Healthy Active Living
Program Coordinator Hiring Committee.
Moved by Mason Carter

There are three nominations


6:33: Vote to fill the blanks with Emalyn Armstrong, Hope Moon, and Michael Greenlaw

Motion passed


5.7. BIRT ___________, ___________, and __________, be elected to the Equity Officer Hiring
Moved by Isabella MacKay

There are three nominations.


6:40: Vote to fill the blanks with Marlee Sansom, Kiera Doyle, and Hope Moon

Motion Passed


New Business

Goodbyes <3 From Levi at their last council!

Motivational Speech from Nick! 🙂 <3

Mason saying thank yous and goodbyes <3

6:48: Council Adjourned <3




Live Blog: Council, Sunday February 28th, 2021

5:02: Meeting Called to Order

Land Acknowledgement

5:03: Adoption of the Agenda

No amendments to be made

Agenda is Adopted

5:04: Adoption of the Minutes from the last meeting

Levi has proposed amendments. Minor spelling problem with the spelling of Katie Merwin’s

Amendment Adopted

5:08: Motion to add additional content warnings to last meetings minutes for sensitive content

And motions to correct some grammatical errors.

5:12: All amendments adopted by unanimous consent

5:13: Minutes adopted by unanimous consent

5:14: Reports of Councillors

Nathan does not have much to report

Victoria has started exec training, met with Nick, and the Virtual Escape Room Event should be going forward Thursday

Aideen and Ry have discussed changeover, and Aideen has attended meetings in regards to changeover, Ry and Aideen have upcoming meetings regarding the changeover

Kaitlyn is also doing work in regards to the changeover, will be shadowing some meetings with Mason. Has also been in touch with first-year students in regards to issues with FYP lectures after reading week

Ridge attended the zoom residence panel with Kailen, and they got together with other residence students for a debrief afterwards

Stephen attended NASH83, a virtual conference for student journalists. And is working to get more feedback from his google form

Emma does not have much to report, but she has been preparing for DSS Elections. Current residence students who will be day students next year are welcome to run!

Kailen is reviewing reports she was given from the residence panel.

5:26: Reports of the Executive

Information about reports should be available within the minutes from this meeting when they are approved on March 14th!

5:49: Reports of the staff. Rebecca and JM are presenting reports.

6:06: JM’s Report

6:23: Moving on to Action Items

6:33: Motion 6.1 has passed

6:38: Motion 6.2 has passed

6:39: New Business

6:39: Motion to Adjourn

6:39: Motion passed. See you March 14th!








Live Blog: February 7 2021 Council

Regrets from Mason

5:07: Meeting called to order and land acknowledgment by Chris and Isabella

5:07: Adoption of the Agenda

Some minor amendments to the agenda

5:10: Agenda Adopted by unanimous consent

5:11: Adoption of minutes from the last council

Minor amendment to be made: the wrong date on minutes

5:12: Minutes adopted by unanimous consent

5:13: Reports of the Councillors

Victoria attended candidate speeches for the upcoming election and is finishing up details on her project with Mason

Nathan reports having discussions about the issue of the library steps renovation and classics in the quad, and discussions about the green shield plan with Nick, given the extra funds leftover from this year.

Aideen and Ry don’t have much to report, Aideen mentions they were able to spend time in the wardroom space in the past two weeks and that it is lucky we have it open again.

Kailen has kept up with bi-weekly meetings with the assistant dean and has been given plans for a residence council, and plans for updates to common rooms have been delivered to Kailen from the administration

David asked about the updates to common rooms, Kailen clarified it was mostly just furniture updates

Emma sat on the UHP hiring committee, the meeting had to be rescheduled due to miscommunication but it came together. Emma has been in contact with both JM and Katie Merwin about getting a monitor for the reopening of the wardroom space

Ridge has nothing new to report

Stephen spoke with Kheira at the watch to talk about further supports, a google doc was shared with BJH students for feedback and is looking to drop into some first-year classes virtually to get some more feedback

Stephen’s report is more of generalized feedback and is unsure if it will be made public at this time. The main audience is the admin, not the public.


Reports of the executive (all should be available to view in writing on the KSU website)

Levi is first, report of the President


Mason with the report of the SLVP

As Mason is not present, the report will have to be accessed through the written version for anyone who wants to access it

Nick, with the report of the Financial VP


Hope, with the report of the external VP


Isabella, with the report of the Communications VP


Action Items


“Whereas last council we voted to have our UHP investigate how to implement the FYP
specific recommendations contained within the KSU Accessibility Report; therefore
BIRT ________ be hired as our UHP this year.”

Moved by Hope

The UHP recommends Taylor MacLeod to fill that blank (position) in the motion, and the vote on the motion passed.

5.2: This action item can be seen in the agenda or (in two weeks) the minutes. Due to the sensitive content, I will not put it in the live blog at this time.

6:16: Motion passed by a vote


5.3: BIRT that the Wordsmith Society receive $50 for their writing contest, the Octopus.


Motion passed


Action Item 5.4:

This action item can be seen in the agenda or (in two weeks) the minutes. Due to the sensitive content, I will not put it in the live blog at this time.

6:35: Motion passed by a vote

6:35 Motion to adjourn by Aideen, seconded by Nick

Council Ajourned








Council Live Blog: January 24, 2021

5:01: Meeting called to order

Land Acknowledgement

5:02: Adoption of the Agenda

Hope motions to have herself move action items 5.1 and 5.2

Motion passed by unanimous consent

Agenda adopted by unanimous consent

5:04: Adoption of minutes from the last meeting

Some minor spelling amendments brought forward by Nathan

Motion passed by unanimous consent

David notes one other grammar mistake

Passed by unanimous consent


Ry brings forward another spelling mistake

Passed by unanimous consent


Isabella moves to fix the spelling of David Shuman’s name

Passed by unanimous consent

5:10: Minutes adopted by unanimous consent

Reports of the councillors

Victoria has continued to plan a student Escape Room event with Mason

Attended a meeting about the residence student concerns

Submitted nomination for financial VP

Aideen and Ry have released the response to Bill’s EDI report

Aideen has submitted her nomination to run for External VP

Ry and Aideen attended a meeting with vice presidential candidate Sarah Clift


Emma sent an email to touch base with day students.

The day student society is in the planning stages for a pen pal program

Stephen has not much to report, planning a meeting with watch exec


Nathan had a meeting with the president of the King’s Academic Society

Reporting higher level of satisfaction with second-semester classes but reporting burnout from last semester


Kaitlyn has nominated herself to run for student life VP

Ongoing discussions about accessibility in FYP

Planning a trivia-style night for FYP students sometime in January

5:21: Reports of the executive committee

Levi is reporting a busy last two weeks. Read through and edited the EDI response from the BOG reps. Met with residence rep Kailen. Received a petition from students requesting to see the union’s financial books and records, which was forwarded to Nick. Met with the student on the Sexualized Violence Policy Implementation Committee. Attended residence organizing meetings.

Meeting with Sarah Clift, like Ry and Aideen reported.

Meetings involving the moves moving forward in regards to the winter meal fee issues brought up at last council.

Meeting with SVPRO Jordon Robert’s about the ongoing issues in residence.

CFS national put on a president’s forum that Levu attended.

Upcoming there is a residence organizing meeting on Tuesday. A “what the KSU can do for you” workshop on Wednesday, and KSU speeches upcoming on Thursday.

A residence town hall will be coming up before the reading week break.

5:31: Report of the SLVP

Mason has had a fun and busy two weeks. Also attended the student organizing meetings regarding the residence concerns. Continuing to work with Victoria on the escape room event. Met with Katie and Peter three times surrounding the residence issues, they came up with the plan for the town hall, and the residence fees issues. OH&S meeting.

A note of personal disclosure Mason wants to note is that they have been hired as a Jr.Don, the executive team will be going over Mason’s roles to avoid conflicts of interest.

5:37 Report of the FVP

Meeting with the bookkeeper and the accountant. Chaired the seven-person executive meeting. Nick did two, two-hour sessions going over all the numbers in regards to the petition to see the KSU financial records.

There are conversations going over reorganizing student residence fees. There is a survey that Nick would like to use to collect student testimonials.

Meeting with the dean and vice-president.

Nick’s budget advisory meeting is this coming Tuesday.

5:40: External VP Report

Hope notes she’ll do her best to summarize as a lot of her report is a repetition of other’s reports.

Aside from the many meetings, Hope has begun brainstorming the next round of care packages.

At the CFS national constituency space and went over items discussed at the GM back in November.

There is a Facebook event with the information for the upcoming organizing meeting on Tuesday.

5:45: Report of the communications vice-president

Isabella has continued to put out TWAK. It has been a busy two weeks in terms of social media presence given the work around the residence fees and some other ongoing things.

Isabella did an Instagram Q&A and is keeping up with sharing information from the CFS and DSU.

Isabella also attended the meetings with Peter and Katie and Sarah Clift.

Isabella was also at the CFS National Constituency meeting.

5:50: Actions items.

5.1 Moved by Hope and seconded by Levi

Motion Passed


Item 5.2 Moved by Hope Seconded by Aideen

6:02: We’ve moved forward to nominations for the UHP hiring committee. Patsy Ginou, Micheal Green, Emma O. and Kaitlyn MacNeil are the nominees.

Patsy Ginou, Emma Oliver, and Kaitlyn MacNeil have received the most votes to be on the UHP Hiring Committee

6:11: Motion has been passed.

6:11: New Business

No new business

Motion to adjourn by Levi seconded by Victoria

Council adjourned at 6:12










Live Blog Council 10 January 2021

Hey everyone! The first council of 2020 should be starting up in a few minutes!

5:02pm: Meeting called to order! Welcome to the first council meeting of 2021!

5:03: Chris is going over some guidelines for council for those who are here for the first time

5:05: Adoption of the agenda by unanimous consent

5:06: Approval of minutes from December 6, 2020

Levi has brought up a typo in the minutes

There are no farther amendments to be made

5:07: Minutes adopted by unanimous consent

5:09: Reports of councillors! Victoria (member-at-large) is up first, nothing much to report but if you’re reading along with the live blogs please note there are some technical difficulties happening and the site is occasionally crashing so this blog may not be consistent!

Emma from the DSS is reporting a successful fall GM that happened the end of last semester!

Kailen (residence rep) is fielding a lot of complaints from the residence students from over the winter break and has a meeting planned with Katie Merwin coming up

Kaitlyn (first year rep) is planning on an activity for first years for the winter break and February and is open to suggestions from first years!

Aideen (BOG rep) is pleased to announce that the response to the president’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion report is now available, this response was completed by both Aideen and Ry, the other Board of Governer’s Rep

Ridge (Science rep) is struggling to connect with the Dal Science Society, and like Kailen is receiving many reports from students of issues that occurred over the winter break

Stephen is meeting with Tim Currey about safety and security for journalists, and also attended the anti-o meeting that many of the councillors attended

Nathan (Arts rep) receiving complaints from students who are being required to keep their video on for courses, as it is enhancing struggles with social anxiety. Nathan is not present at the meeting but if any of you have questions for Nathan or any of the councillors please reach out through their emails on the KSU website

5:21: Executive Reports!

Levi (President): Attended Galley Board of Directors meeting, and the Anti-Oppression workshop that ended councillor training.

Participated in discussions about extending winter break, which did not happen, and the continued offering of pass/ill option and concerns for students in self-isolation

Attended Enrollment management committee meeting

The first diversity hire has been hired effective July 1st

Winter elections for BOG reps and the executive are coming up, reach out to the exec team if you have questions about the positions!

Mason’s (Student Life VP) Report:

Meetings with Tim and Katie about student mental health, resources available to students, students isolating etc.

Drafting an email to send to profs about time-zones, synchronous courses, etc. as a reminder of these issues students may face in the semester

Attended academic committee meeting

Nick (Financial VP):

Maintained the finances (aka paid union staff every two weeks)

Budget advisory committee meeting

Another one is coming up that will continue discussions about the increasing university deficit

Hope (external VP)

attended equity committee meeting

vacant position of the equity officer, now the position has been upgraded from part-time to a full-time position. A list of recommendations has been put forward to the president regarding the concern this position may be amalgamated with the accessibility officer.

Attended investment committee meeting

Levi attended a round table that Hope was unable to attend. This meeting included discussions about the issue of International Students quarantining and the financial issues requiring them to isolate themselves in hotels. There seems to have been confusion over the actual requirements by the federal government.

Isabella (Communications VP):

Also attended the meeting about extended winter break, which didn’t happen

Finalized the KSU blurb that is included in the academic calendar

Has continued to keep the KSU Instagram updated and is prepared to release the first TWAK of the year tomorrow!

5:48: Reports are now concluded. There are no action items at this time.

New Business:

Luke Baumgart is proposing a motion regarding the charge residence students were required to pay when they stayed over the winter break.

Students were unaware they would have to pay extra to eat over the winter break, for a meal plan they were required to have.

Students were first told in mid-November that they would be responsible for their meals over break, then told there would be a meal plan, then even later that it would be mandatory.

The conversation on this topic is continuing while the wording of the motion is being worked out.

We’re discussing the motion to amend the original wording Luke proposed

6:30: The conversation is still continuing, residence students are responding to questions from council on specifics of the problem over the break, issues included inedible meals and meals that were inedible specifically because of allergens. Students also reported small portions of vegetables, not being more than corn or a small salad

7:00: The amendment has been struck down

7:04: The original motion is now on the table again

7:07: Nick moves Hope and his amendment of the original motion

7:11: The amendment passed.

7:17: Motion Passed

7:18: Simon moved to change the bylaws and for council meetings to operate under general meeting bylaws

This motion can not go forward because bylaw changes have to occur at a general meeting

7:29: Ryland is bringing forward the statement they and Aideen wrote in response to the President’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Report.

7:36: Motion to adjourn by David, seconded by Kailen, motion passed





6 December, 2020 Council

Hey everyone, it is the last council of 2020! We are at quorum and the meeting is about to begin!

5:03: Council has started!

5:04: Agenda Adopted by unanimous consent

5:06: Just grammatical errors in the minutes from the last council to fix that Levi is moving to edit

5:08: All motions to edit the minutes have been passed.

5:09: The minutes have been approved by unanimous consent

5:10: Councillor reports! Aideen and Rylan are up first! They have started to draft a response to the EDI report

5:12: Ridge is up next. Not much to report.

5:13: Nathan is next, also not much to report. Reached out to the co-president of the Disabled Student’s Collective, waiting to hear back. Had a meeting with the academic committee.

5:17: My (Victoria’s) report! Nothing much to report.

5:19: Stephen’s report

* I had some technical difficulties during Stephen’s report so please look at council minutes once they are released for more details on that!

5:24: Emma’s report. Day Student Society GM upcoming over zoom.

5:26: Kailen’s report, discussed concerns about the winter break meal plan with Tim, discussions still ongoing

5: 28: Reports of the exec

Levi: Met with Kaitlyn the first year rep for councillor training

In the process of organizing another anti-oppression workshop

Starting prepping with BOG reps for meeting with the board next week

Met with Peter and Katie

5:36: Mason’s report

working on the care packages

did an “ask an exec” on Tuesday

had a meeting with Peter and Katie

changes to residence guidelines for COVID safety

Kailen brought up the biggest change to residence is that the dining hall is takeout only

5:40 Nick’s report

The executive had an anti-o workshop with South House

Took place in discussions about how to make emergency bursaries available to international students

5:44: Hope’s report

Struggles uploading a video about exams for first years due to tech issues

Several committee meetings upcoming

5:50: Isabella’s report

Has been keeping up on TWAK

Busy week for academics

Action items

5:52: Item 5.1, paying the scribe $300 of their honorarium

5:54: Motion passed by a vote

5:54: Item 5.2, paying the chair $425 of their honorarium

5:55: Nick has temporarily taken over as chair due to a conflict of interest

5:55: Item seconded, motivated by Levi

5:56: Motion passed by a vote

5:57: Item 5.3, BIRT the DSS be ratified as a Tier 2 society, moved by Mason

6:02: Motion passed by a vote

6:02: No new buisness

6:02: Motion to adjourned

6:02: Motion struck

6:03: Michael says to remember to do SRIs available through Dalhousie emails!

6:04: Isabella explains that this year SRIs are going straight to professors and not to any higher-ups this semester in light of this year’s difficult circumstances

6:05: Motion to adjourn

6:05: Council adjourned!

See you in 2021 everyone, good luck with finals!









22 November, 2020

Hey, everyone! This was my first live blog as Member at Large. Today’s Meeting was a bit longer with several action items on the table! Still figuring this whole thing out but I tried to be comprehensive and to the point!

5:09pm AST: Meeting called to order

5:10pm AST: Land Acknowledgement

5:12pm AST: Motion to appoint Levi as Interim Chair

Moved by Nick

Seconded by Isabella

5:13pm AST: Motion passed

5:14pm AST: Adoption of the agenda

Isabella motions to make action item 5.1 and 5.2 into one motion being 5.1

Seconded by Mason

5:17pm AST: Motion Passed

5:18pm AST: Isabella motions to renumber the following motions

Seconded by Mason

5:19pm AST: Motion passed by unanimous consent

5:19pm AST: Isabella motions to move new action item 5.3 instead of Levi, as they are the interim chair and cannot therefore move action items this council

5: 21pm AST: Adopted by unanimous consent

5:21pm AST: Approval of minutes from November 2nd

Adopted by unanimous consent

5:22pm AST: Oral reports of the councillors

Emma met with the bank about the day student society account

Victoria attended the finance committee

5:24pm AST: Nathan attended

5:28pm AST : Ridge attended meeting with Kailen and Tim

Kailen met with Tim about communicating with residence students about restrictions, and about the state of student mental health on campus

Kailen also attended a meeting with Mason to speak with Katie further about communicating with students in a more clear matter

5:32pm AST: Aideen recommends reaching out to South House, they could provide knowledge on how to possibly approach the current mental health crisis and substance abuse problems on campus

5:33pm AST: Stephen has plans to complete projects from the summer. One involves reaching out to Bill Lahey about his statements from the summer regarding advocacy for Indigenous students.

Stephen has plans to reach out to The Watch about how he can help advocate for their needs at this time

Also planning on bringing up discussions on courses that involve safety in journalism and the need for them that began this summer

5:36pm AST: Kaitlyn is our first year rep! It is her first meeting.

5:37pm AST: Ryland delivers report for BOG reps, a last-minute meeting about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Report by the Board of Governors took place both Ryland and Aideen were unable to attend but plan on reviewing

5:40pm AST: David asks what timeline we are on for the KSU response on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion report

Ryland speaks to finishing the term and then releasing the report

Aideen adds that both Ryland and her want to give it the proper amount of energy

5:49pm AST: Reports of the executive committee

(Levi’s) Report of the President:

Instagram live/Instagram takeover to ask/answer question of students

The exec continues to meet with Peter O’brian and Katie Merwin

Discussed the FASS forum and student mental health crisis

Levi is sitting on the Vice-President search committee as Peter O’brian is in his last term

Levi, Hope, Isabella meant with Jordan Roberts the SVPRO to discuss the mental health crisis

Levi wrote some feedback to Jordan and the committee about changes being made to the SVPR

Levi attended the meeting with the board of governors about the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion policy and brought up issues on behalf of the students.

Attended CFS meeting

6:00pm AST:

(Mason’s) Report of the SLVP:

Hope and Mason working on care packages for students

Attended meetings with Tim and Katie about what next semester may look like for students

Occupational health and safety meeting, an emergency meeting is happening next week to discuss open spaces on campus due to an increase in COVID-19 cases

Mason attended a student, staff, and faculty alliance meeting. No updates from Dalhousie faculty at this meeting.

6:05pm AST: Report of financial VP

Nick discussed the finance meeting which resulted in the action items from today being brought to the meeting

6:07pm AST: Report of external VP

Attended meeting about FASS forum with Roberta Barker

Meeting with Peter and Katie

Attended CFS meeting

6:11pm AST: Report of CVP

Isabella has been releasing TWAK

Was in a meeting with Katie and Tim and the rest of the exec

Met with Jordan along with Levi and Hope

Attended the CFS annual meeting

6:15pm AST: Action Items!

Action 5.1 $132.25 should be allocated for the purchasing of a zoom premium account for the remainder of the school year, and $228.28 for the otter transcription service

Nick motivates this motion, explaining the need for when multiple groups are using the current zoom account some are getting kicked off. This zoom account would be useful for societies, the intention was for it to be a dedicated society zoom account

Aideen seconds the motion

Discussion took place about whether or not there was an established need for the otter service on the second account

6:23pm AST: Vote. Motion passed

6:23pm AST: Action item 5.2

Be it resolved that the KTS receives $300 in society funding to subsidize their honoraria for their ongoing workshop series

6:25pm AST: Vote. Motion passed.

6:26pm AST: Action Item 5.4

Be it resolved that the CRO be paid $425 for their work running the fall councillor elections

Moved by Isabella

Seconded by Ryland

6:27pm AST: Vote. Motion passed.

6:28 pm AST: David motions to adjourned

There is a discussion about whether David is allowed to do this as a general member

The answer is yes.

6:29pm AST: Mason seconds this motion. Vote. It passes! Meeting adjourned!