Welcome to the last council meeting of the fall term!

10:04: Meeting called to order and land acknowledgement.

10:06: Agenda adopted and approval of minutes from last council.

10:08: Oral reports of the councillors.

10:12: Oral reports of the executive.

10:40: 5.2 BIRT the Chair receive $850 of their Honorarium, for duties in the fall semester having been performed in full.

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Motion passes.

10:42: 5.3 BIRT the Scribe receive $400 of their Honorarium, for duties in the fall semester having been performed in full.

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Motion passes.

10:43: 5.4 BIRT the Chief Returning Officer receive $525 of their Honorarium, for duties in the fall semester having been performed in full.

Motion amended.

5.4 BIRT should a report be needed, the Chief Returning Officer submit an interim report before their honorarium is released.

Motion passes.

10:51: 5.5 Whereas the Contemporary Studies Society filled out their ratification form and attended society training;

BIRT the Contemporary Studies Society be ratified and recognized as a society of the King’s Students Union.

Moved by Kaitlyn MacNeill.

Motion passes.

10:53: BIRT Jimmy Gibson, Francis Cook, and Marion Simmons be elected to the Hospitality Coordinator Hiring Committee.

Moved by Victoria Gibbs.

Motion passes.

10:57: New business.

Discussion of Dal’s international student tuition plan and opportunities to support and advocate for international students.

11:30: Motion to adjourn.

Motion passes.

Have a great break!

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