Welcome back to the new term!

10:07: Meeting called to order and land acknowledgement.

10:08: Agenda adopted. Meeting minutes from last council are approved.

10:09: Oral reports of the councillors.

10:13: Reports of the executive committee.

10:27: 5.1 BIRT the King’s Film Society be fully ratified and recognized as a Tier I society of the KSU.

Moved by Kaitlyn. Seconded by Aidan.

Motion passes.

10:28: 5.2 BIRT the Contemporary Studies Society be fully ratified and recognized as a Tier II society of the KSU.

Moved by Kaitlyn. Seconded by Aidan.

Motion passes.

10:29: Return to oral report of the EVP (delayed by technical difficulties) and the FVP.

10:37: New business.

Discussion of 6.1 KSU fees for 2023-2024 and 6.2 Uses of student fund/request for student fund payment

11:03: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Gibby. Seconded by Natalia.

Meeting adjourned.

Thanks everyone!

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