Good morning everyone! Welcome to council. Today is the last meeting with the current exec, thank you to them all for their work!

10:06: Meeting called to order. Land acknowledgement.

10:07: Agenda adopted my unanimous consent.

10:08: Previous meeting minutes approved by unanimous consent.

10:08: Oral reports of the councillors.

Daniel: He will continue to be involved with council despite losing the exec election. Is working with Kaitlyn on developing a travel workshop for students.

Emy: Nothing to report. Likes the idea of a travel workshop and offers help.

Sara: Academic Accessibility Committee has submitted its first draft and received feedback. Will be meeting again tomorrow to review that feedback and start on the next draft.

Tessa: Not much happening with the BOG, looking forward to continuing to be a BOG rep next year. Academic Accessibility Committee was covered by Sara.

Victor: Valentine’s cards were delivered. DSS elections begin tomorrow, with nomination forms opening. Voting is on Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th.

10:14: Executive reports

Nick: His last report at council. Committee regarding international student tuition did not reach a final decision on decoupling tuition from Dalhousie, but $100 000 in bursaries will be provided and recommended the creation of an internationalization plan. Wardroom agreement with the University has been in negotiations for 3-4 years, and is now finished. Galley agreement is coming up for renegotiation. Budget consultation is March 11, executive changeover is March 15, and his final Board Executive meeting will be March 17 (attending with incoming president, Victoria).

Kaitlyn: Meeting with dining service committee. Meeting with Daniel about travel workshop. Excited for incoming exec.

Victoria: Finance committee occurred twice since last meeting. Executive training began yesterday with CFS training, other training for office, Galley/Wardroom etc will take place over the next couple weeks. Budget Advisory Committee meetings, Finance Audit and Risk Committee meeting, President’s Advancement Advisory Committee meeting. Encourages all to attend tuition consultation on March 11. Spring General Meeting will be on March 30th.

Aideen is not in attendance. Their report is available in the Executive reports document.

Sam: Council, exec and committee meetings. Last solo TWAK tomorrow; next one will be done with the incoming CVP. Looking into Zoom issues; will need to change procedure to stop trolling.

Victoria: Looking into having the next council in-person.

10:30: 5.1 BIRT the King’s Wellness Society receive $51.13 in contingent funding for their interest meeting.

Recommended by Finance Committee. Moved by Victoria.

Seconded by Nick.

Motivated by Victoria.

Motion passes.

10:32: 5.2 BIRT the King’s Literary Society receive $31.20 in non-contingent funding for one of their regular upcoming meetings

Recommended by Finance Committee. Moved by Vitoria.

Seconded by Daniel.

Motivated by Victoria.

Motion passes.

10:34: 5.3 BIRT the King’s Food Security Initiative receive $124.32 in contingent funding for food-box upkeep and isolation packages.

Recommended by Finance Committee. Moved by Victoria.

Seconded by Nick.

Motivated by Victoria.

Motion passes.

10:37: 5.4 BIRT the King’s Student’s Union make a donation of $100 to an anti-war organization or charity of our discretion.

(further details available in the agenda)

Moved by Victoria.

Seconded by Daniel.

Motivated by Victoria.

Further motivated by Sam, including a recommendation of either the Canada-Ukraine Foundation of Doctors without Borders.

Victoria says that further discussion can take place after council, as the decision of a charity is not part of the motion.

Motion passes.

10:43: 5.5 BIRT The King’s Student’s Union write an open letter to the Halifax Police Department condemning their actions, and in solidarity with our unhoused neighbours; and

BIFRT The King’s Student’s Union contact the People’s Park to ask what folks need, and make a donation of necessary supplies to the People’s Park.

(further details available in the agenda)

Motion to amend the motion to be moved by Nick instead of Aideen passes.

Moved by Nick.

Seconded by Victoria.

Motivated by Nick.

Further motivated by Daniel.

Motion passes.

10:48: Whereas section 14.4 of the KSU bylaws requires an automatic motion to impeach a council member who misses three consecutive meetings without regrets, BIRT the Journalism Representative be impeached.

Motion fails.

Nick proposes to get in contact with the council member in question, and vote on this motion again next council if they do not attend.

10:55: Daniel mentions feedback he has submitted with thoughts on how to improve elections in future.

Nick says it has been sent to the CRO, and will be brought to Elections Committee and the General Meeting for discussion and voting.

10:56: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Nick.

Seconded by Victoria.

Motion passes.

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