Good morning everyone!

10:15: Meeting called to order and land acknowledgment.

10:16: Agenda adopted.

10:17: Approval of the minutes from council on March 19th and emergency council on March 23rd.

10:18: Oral reports of the councillors.

10:19: Reports of the executive.

10:38: New business.

10:45: A number of society funding requests were sent late and passed in an omnibus motion in new business. Please direct any questions to the FVP.

10:50: Whereas on March 19th KSU council voted to donate $100 to GACNS, and GACNS is now on an operating hiatus,

BIRT the donation originally intended for GACNS be reallocated to the NS Youth Project instead.

Moved by Kerri Lawrence.

Seconded by Natalia.

Motion passes.

10:51: Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Kerri.

Seconded by Terra.

Motion passes.

Thanks everyone!

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